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    Green Chaser’s Pitch (5lb)

    Image of the Green Chasers Pitch 5lb in aluminum tin

    Medium Green Chaser’s Pitch, developed by Metal Sculptor Debra Montgomery and made by Nechamkin Silver Studios, is organic pine rosin-based pitch. Blacksmiths, Sculptors, Armorers and Jewelers alike have found this type of pitch suitable for years. It is excellent for medium to high relief work and can be worked slightly warm using a heat gun.

     NOTE: Nechamkin Medium Green Chaser’s Pitch is sold in 5 lb. tins. Be sure to order enough to fill your bowl plus a little extra to replenish the bowl and fill in the embossed work. An 8″ diameter deep pitch bowl from Otto Frei takes roughly 5-7 lbs. of pitch to fill depending on if you prefer it mounded up or flush. If the bowl is first filled 1/3 with plaster or concrete, 3-4 lbs will fill this bowl.


    plus applicable tax and shipping

    New Kit! – Basic Chasing Tool Set and Pitch Bowl Kit

    *Save by bundling your tools and bowl purchase together.
    This kit includes:  7.25” x 2.75”  iron pitch bowl, already filled with Nechamkin Medium Green Pitch, a standard rubber support ring and 16 piece starter chasing tool set. The items in this kit provide a solid starter chasing tool set up. Heavy iron pitch bowl with support ring, pitch and a starter set of Nechamkin Chasing Tools. It gives you just about everything you need to get started with chasing and repousse.

    See all of our Combo Kits HERE!

    Filled 8”x 4” Pitch Bowl Kit with Deep 8” Support Ring

    Image of a Filled Chaser's Pitch Bowl Kit

    For a just a few dollars over the cost of the parts, get to work faster with a pre-filled pitch bowl!

    Completely Prepared and Ready to Use Pitch Bowl with Support Ring: Now there is no need to deal with the mess and drudgery of filling a pitch bowl. We have done the work for you. Simply place your work into the pitch and start chasing! Our bowl is first filled about 1/3 way with concrete and then topped off with approximately 3.5 lbs of Nechamkin Green Pitch.

    Our filled pitch bowl kit uses an 8″x4″ deep, heavy iron pitch bowl from Otto Frei, which Allows stability at extreme work angles with deep 8″ solid rubber tire support, also included. 

    NOTE: Consider purchasing extra chaser’s pitch to mound up your bowl and fill the back of repousse cavities on work pieces.


    plus applicable tax and shipping

    7.25” Filled Pitch Bowl Kit

    *Save by bundling your tools and bowl purchase together.
    This kit includes: 7.25” x 2.75” iron pitch bowl,already filled, with Nechamkin Green Pitch and a standard rubber support ring, . (new image coming soon)
    The items in this kit provide a good basic pitch bowl set up. If you are looking for a starter set of chasing tools along with your pitch bowl, you might like (Pitch & Tools Combo Kit).


    plus applicable tax and shipping

    Chaser’s Pitch & Pitch Bowls at Work

    Watch Liza Nechamkin demonstrate how to mount metal in Nechamkin chasers pitch.

    Watch Liza demonstrate how easy it is to remove medium green Chasers pitch from metal.

    Watch Liza demonstrate how to fill a vessel with pitch.

    A simple way to remove pitch from vessels.

    To purchase multiple items, leave the Paypal cart open after adding your first item. Add any additional items to the cart by using the “add to cart” button on the items product page, the cart will automatically update. If you are having trouble purchasing multiple items or prefer not to purchase online, please contact us at toolmaker@Nechamkin.com.

    Medium Green Chasers Pitch is Manufactured at NSS